If it was not for the fact that you knew that automated commercial doors open on their own, you would be terrified every time one opened at the drop of a hat. However, it is still problematic when these doors open with a simple gust of wind. A lot of heat or air conditioning is lost to the opening of these doors when no one walks through them each time the wind causes the doors to slide open. Here is how a commercial door repair technician can fix this problem.
Turn Down the Sensitivity on the Door's Sensors
There are ways to turn down the sensitivity on the door's sensors. The technician only has to tweak the sensors so that they only open the doors when something of a certain height comes into their sensory path. Right now, your door's sensor is probably set to open with a range of six feet in front of the door and any height of any human being. The sensor can be adjusted to only open with a range of two feet in front of the doors and a height of four feet. This will help the doors stay closed unless an adult comes very close to the doors.
Create a Barrier
Next, or as an alternative option, create a barrier for the doors. The barrier will block the winds that cause the doors to open. Usually, a half wall that stands close to, but in front of, the doors is adequate at preventing winds. The width of the barrier depends on the size of your doors and the direction the doors face (i.e., north, south, east, west). The barrier can be glass and steel or brick and mortar or a combination of these materials.
Construct a Vestibule
Another option is to create a vestibule. This involves another set of automatic commercial doors, but these doors stay closed even when the first set of doors blow open. When customers pass through the first set of doors, they enter the vestibule and approach the second set of doors which only open when a customer approaches them. In this way, you are able to conserve heat or air conditioning by having that inner set of doors prevent heating and/or cooling from escaping every time the winds blow open the outer set of doors. To be really effective, have the inner doors face perpendicularly to the outside doors.